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VHS-COVID 19 Slum Intervention Project
Supported by the Bill & Milinda Gates Foundation (BMGF)
(2020 - 2021)


The Projects Division of VHS has been at the forefront of managing comprehensive community health and STI/HIV prevention programs for marginalized population, sexual minorities and deprived groups. Backed by nearly 27 years of wide-ranging experiences in implementing HIV/AIDS prevention, care and support programs, building the capacity of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and training health care providers, VHS has built a reputation for understanding and addressing the needs of disadvantaged communities. VHS Projects Division has demonstrated experiences in implementation, knowledge transfer, providing technical assistance, piloting innovations / demonstration of models, research, documentation, dissemination, etc.

The COVID 19 Slum Intervention Project, a community-led initiative by the Voluntary Health Services (VHS) funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) implemented in (launched on August 19, 2020 and was completed on September 30, 2021) one of the biggest resettlement colonies in Chennai city, Tamil Nadu, India – Kannagi Nagar and Ezhil Nagar in Zone 15 of the Greater Chennai Corporation.

This project collaborated with Greater Chennai Corporation, Resident Welfare Associations, Elected Body Representatives, Educational Institutions, NGOs / CBOs, Social Service Organizations, and other key stakeholders.

The COVID 19 Slum Intervention Project considered to be highly relevant for Kannagi Nagar and Ezhil Nagar as these resettlement colonies. Apart from the existing challenges faced by the communities including poor living conditions, lack of basic services, individual incapacities etc., the COVID 19 pandemic further complicated the interactions of these factors made the communities highly vulnerable to the COVID 19 pandemic. The profile of the intervention area are:


Goal and Objectives

Goal: The overall goal of the project is “To flatten the incidence of COVID 19 in the slum communities of Kannagi Nagar through Community Response Teams (CRTs)”.

Objective: The objective of the project is “To reduce COVID 19 incidence and mortality by establishing and fostering Community Response Teams (CRTs) in Kannagi Nagar and Ezhil Nagar Slum Communities of Chennai”.


The project has undertaken systematic and strategic efforts for planning and implementation of the planned activities. The project has adapted the key strategies such as:

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Key Activities

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Key Achievements


Mental health

  • All KPs are underserved, irrespective of the sexual and gender identity and are undergoing mental health related issues like low self-esteem, anxiety disorders, depression, substance use disorders, suicidal tendency owing to gender inequalities, poverty, unemployment, stigma, discrimination. During the COVID pandemic, the mental health problems of KPs aggravated due to lack of income, limited livelihood options which ultimately resulted in more stress and psychological issues.
  • The project administered the quality of life (QoL) tool prescribed by WHO and identified that more than 80% of MSM/TGs were undergoing mental health problems like depression, low self-esteem, negative feelings, loneliness, fear / worry about their life, increased risk of violence, stigma, discrimination due to gender identity and sexual orientation.
  • The project has capacitated 24 CBOs to enable them to plan, implement, manage mental health services. The communities were promoted as barefoot counselors (called DOST, meaning Friends in English) at the CBO level. They were oriented (virtually) on mental health screening and counselling by professional mental health counselors. The communities who got trained, facilitated their peers on mental health counselling via online, based on the need. Around 1000 MSM/TGs got benefitted through mental health counselling during the COVID pandemic.

Key Publications

IEC Materials

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Meeting with Chief Minister Cell
Thermal Screening for ILI by Nanbans
Vaccine Awareness
Food Packets Distribution
Medical Camps
Health Minister, MP, MLA
kabasura kudineer
Distribution of Dry Ration
Appreciation letter from GCC
Social Media Awareness Campaign
Distribution of mask
LED Awareness Campaign
Social Distancing
Legal Counselling
Community Resource Team
Interaction with Beneficiaries
Nutrition Demo
Review Meetings
Water ATM Discussion
Project Team

Media Publicity

Conclusion / Way forward

Based on the secondary review, interactions with the project team and community members, information collected from the community members and stakeholders through qualitative and quantitative studies, based on the analysis, evolved the recommendations for continuation, dissemination, scaling up and contribute for prevention of COVID 19 and other health issues in urban slums:

  • Continue and expand: Considering the innovations, strategic approaches, best practices and results demonstrated, the same project may be continued in the same area with additional focus, expand such project in other slums in Chennai and provide technical assistance to the NGOs working in the slums.
  • Promote National / Regional Resource Center for Slums: It is suggested to establish a National / Regional Resource Center for Slums for serving as a nodal center for networking and providing strategic technical support for improving the interventions in slums. Some of the core areas of the resource center may include: capacity building, developing proto-type resource materials, develop pool of experienced consultants, piloting innovations, undertaking important researches, develop standardized research tools, conducting series of training programs, facilitate for linkages to avail additional expertise / resources, support in documentation and dissemination, etc. This center may also serve as a one stop shop for networking and strengthening the slum intervention programs in a region or at national level.
  • E-Center at community level: Establishing computerized E-Center managed by trained community volunteer to extend support in the areas of: submitting online applications, downloading the needed information for the students, collect and disseminate among youth on job opportunities, extend support in drafting and sending representation to the government development departments, etc. This process will help the slum dwellers including students, adolescents, youths, adults, and others to get acquainted with e-based services considering the emerging requirements.
  • Standardized resource kit on web portal: Standardize the tools, training materials, communication materials, etc and evolve systems to upload in the e-platform to enable interested organizations and individuals to access and benefit.
  • Develop proto-type communication materials on all core slum community needs including videos, e-posters, demonstrations, best practices, voices from the goodwill ambassadors / celebrities, etc. These materials may be developed in English or in a regional language to enable all interested organizations to replicate and use with customization. This effort will be of permanent effort and encourage all organizations and stakeholders to communicate effectively and comprehensively.
  • Dissemination of best practices: VHS has conducted online dissemination on “Need of holistic approach during COVID 19”. Similarly based on the multiple learnings and best practices demonstrated, series of online sessions may be conducted on sequential basis to enable the social workers, community professionals, organizations associated with the slum development activities, academicians, researchers, etc.
  • State level conference on experiences of working with slums: VHS in coordination with key stakeholders can organize a two or three-day state level conference on experiences of working with slums for facilitating technical update, experience sharing and evolving recommendations for strengthening slum intervention programs to represent to government, identifying challenges and evolving plans to address, understand the emerging needs and evolving plans, etc. In this conference, researchers, academicians, NGOs, social workers, health professionals, experts / consultants and others can participate and benefit.
  • Online certificate program on COVID 19 prevention in slums: VHS with the support of BMGF constituted a state level technical team and develop presentations, formulate online courses and continue to conduct online certificate program to enable interested individuals and organizations to undergo, learn, and adapt. 5-6 contact sessions along with presentations, video screening, etc may be conducted. This will help in enhancing the capacities of the development professionals and integrate the project experiences in the ongoing health and COVID 19 related activities.

Contact Us

Director - Projects
CHARTERED - Projects Division
The Voluntary Health Services (VHS)
Rajiv Gandhi Salai, TTTI Post,
Taramani, Chennai – 600 113.
Email ID:

For additional information on VHS Projects Division - CHARTERED, its objectives, partnerships, key activities, projects managed, overall achievements, key publications, and publications for downloading, please visit or click Here