The Voluntary Health Services (VHS) is a multi-speciality tertiary teaching hospital registered as a non-profit society and is managed by a Board of Trustees, Central Committee and sub committees.
VHS has three divisions (1) Hospital (2) Academics and (3) Projects.
VHS has Pioneered the model of Mini Health Centres (MHCs) with the aim of providing primary health care services to the poor through the trained Multi-Purpose Health Workers. This community health program initiated and nurtured by Dr. Sanjivi has been recognized nationally and internationally as a pioneering community centered model for delivery of primary health care services.
The Community Health Alliance for Research, Training, Empowerment and Resource Development (CHARTERED) was established as the Projects Division of VHS, to effectively manage VHS administered projects and to improve efficiencies by synergizing operations. This CHARTERED is aimed at strengthening the response to public health issues, effectively managing VHS administered Projects, mobilizing resources and improving program efficiencies.
The activities of Projects includes: implementation, providing technical assistance, facilitate knowledge transfer, conducting research studies in biomedical, sociological and epidemiological areas leading to publications in indexed journals.
Skill-based training is provided to health care professionals, paramedical staff and communities. VHS Projects manages a range of comprehensive and holistic community health programs for marginalized communities, sexual minorities and disadvantaged groups, with a major thrust on disease prevention and health promotion.
For more than two decades, the Projects Unit has been the nodal agency for implementing HIV/AIDS prevention, care, support and treatment programs in Tamil Nadu, partnering closely with National AIDS Control Organization (NACO), State AIDS Control Societies (SACS), Government line departments, international donor agencies, key stakeholders, Civil Society Organizations and marginalized community. The Projects have brought about sustained changes in sexual practices and behaviours among key population through implementation and strategic efforts.
Since 1995, the VHS Projects has implemented several large, multi-site and multi-layered donor funded projects in India. The Projects primarily believes in working closely and partnering with government system in planning and managing the sustainable programs. The Projects of VHS has also demonstrated various strategic innovative models, shared best practices and innovations with government and contributed for scaling up. VHS Projects Division has demonstrated experience in implementation, providing technical assistance and facilitating knowledge transfer. The cumulative value of all projects administered by VHS is more than US $100 million.
The Projects Division of VHS focuses on various health areas such as: HIV/AIDS; HIV-TB; Health System Strengthening; Non-Communicable Diseases; Infectious Diseases; and Community Health.
The Projects Division of VHS has managed various large-scale projects with the support from different donors over a period of more than 25 years. Some of the major “Present Projects” and “Accomplished Projects” are given below (for detailed information on each project, please click the respective project title):
The Projects Division of VHS has established partnerships with various donors at international level, national level and state level and ensured long-term sustained partnerships. Some of the major donors supported the projects for successful implementation over a period of more than 25 years will include but not limited to:
We are grateful to our Donors for their support in leading various projects
and demonstrating results.
The Projects Division has undertaken strategic efforts and established partnerships with key stakeholders at different levels for ensuring the ownership and roll-out of activities. The Projects Division established partnerships as per the requirements of each project to achieve the desired objectives. Some of the major key stakeholders partnered with for successful implementation of the projects:
National Level Organizations | State Level Organizations |
International Organizations: | |
The Projects Division established and ensured strong partnership with key stakeholders for execution of the project specific strategies and activities to achieve the desired results and ensure sustainability.
Contributions to CHARTERED - Projects Division / VHS are IT exempt
Director - Projects
CHARTERED - Projects Division
The Voluntary Health Services (VHS)
Rajiv Gandhi Salai, TTTI Post,
Taramani, Chennai – 600 113.
Email ID:
For detailed information on each of the Present Projects and Accomplished Projects of CHARTERED - Projects Division of VHS, its Key Achievements, key publications, and other related details, please visit or click Here
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