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VHS - Department of Community Health -
Mini Health Centers (VHS-DCH-MHC)
(Since 1969 - ongoing project)


The VHS Department of Community Health (Institute of Community Health) comprises 5 Mini Health Centers (MHCs) and these Mini Health Centers conduct activities such as:

  • Clinical services.
  • Community health outreach includes daily house visits, medical camps, field clinics, school health visits, community group interactions and nutrition demonstrations.
  • Community health training for medical, nursing, nutrition, pharmacy and other paramedical students as per the University syllabus.
  • Operational research studies on community health issues

Clinical and community health outreach is done through 5 Mini Health Centers which are located in the southern periphery of Chennai city. The catchment area of the Mini Health Centers covers a population of nearly one lakh for clinical services and approximately half are covered with regular outreach such as daily house visits. The Community Health outreach services are offered under the eight core activities such as Water, Sanitation, Women health, Child health, Nutrition, Communicable diseases, non-communicable diseases and Clinical practice. Other activities such as Nutrition Demonstration, Group health Education, Provision of Weaning Mix and School health visit are done on a regular basis.

VHS is a recipient of the ‘Father Tong Memorial Institution’ award from the Voluntary Health Association of India (VHAI) for outstanding and pioneering contributions in the field of community health and development.


  • Provide preventive, promotive and curative health care to rural and underserved populations.
  • Conduct training programs for doctors, interns, nurses, paramedics and health workers.
  • Offer field exposure placements at MHCs to medical, nursing and nutrition students.
  • Undertake epidemiological, clinical and socio-economic research studies.

Approach and Levels of Intervention

  • Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

Community Health Model

  • VHS currently manages 10 Mini Health Centers offering basic clinical care and outreach services to one lakh beneficiaries living in southern peripheral communities of Chennai.
  • Mini Health Centers improve access to primary health care services for poor and underserved populations through trained community-based health workers.
  • Mini Health Centers serve patients based on clinical needs rather than their ability to pay and work towards health promotion and disease prevention.
  • Mini Health Centers staffed by two trained Multi-Purpose Health Workers, backed by periodic visits by Medical Officer and Public Health Nurse.
  • Mini Health Centers networked with central tertiary care hospitals providing preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative care covering major specialties and super specialties.

Field work

The Multipurpose Health Workers evolve a system of weekly and daily plans and undertake outreach activities by undertaking visits to the intervention areas. As a part of the outreach activities, the health workers undertake home visits, promote health education on the core areas through inter-personal communication activities, basic counselling, undertake demonstrations, provide clarifications, counter myth and misconceptions, observe the healthy practices being followed, etc. Also undertakes needed follow-up visits. As a part of the outreach, the person who requires clinical services is referred to the OP clinic and provided with needed services. In addition, the MPHWs also organize health camps, nutrition demonstrations, screening camps, exhibitions, cultural programs and other activities for promoting group education, awareness creation, screening & referral, etc. This outreach provides basic clinical care, preventive and promotive services by medical officers along with the MPHWs and trainees posted at the Department of Community Health. Cases that require specialized care are referred to the main hospital.

The MPHWs undertake various key strategic approaches for promoting community health (i.e.,) home visits, family meetings, one-to-one communication, group education, basic counselling, use of communication aids and distribution of IEC materials, use of tech-enabled communication including use of social media, demonstrations, conducting health camps, facilitate clinical practices, ensured referral and networks, coordinate with extension staff of different development departments including health departments and ensuring systematic follow-up and monitoring.

Strategic initiatives on Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) by VHS-DCH

NCDs is a major public health issue in India. NCDs also known as chronic diseases tend to be of longer duration and are the result of a combination of genetic, physiological, environmental and behavioural factors. Hence early detection of common NCDs leads to better health outcomes. The main types of NCD are cardiovascular diseases (such as heart attacks and stroke), cancers, chronic respiratory diseases (such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma) and diabetes. A comprehensive approach is required to reduce the risks associated with NCDs.

The VHS-community health department through mini-health centers is offering a package of comprehensive health services including NCDs to around 30,000 rural population who are in the outskirts of Chennai with the following objectives:

  • To create awareness among individuals, family and the society on the risk factors, prevention and control of common NCDs.
  • To undertake community level activities including home-based early screening, health & nutrition education.
  • To counsel individuals and families on modifying life-style behaviors.
  • To undertake follow-up of patients with NCDs, support them to adhere to treatment and to make changes in their lifestyles.

Approaches: VHS adopt a community-centric approach involving community at center stage. The outreach team promotes healthy behaviour for improving the quality of life. Promoting healthy behaviors is to support, motivate and follow-up individuals, families and communities to make necessary changes in their lifestyles. This includes cessation of tobacco and alcohol use, dietary habits, physical exercise and participating in awareness programs regularly; individuals and family counseling to those who are on treatment for compliance to medication and for life-style modifications.

In addition to individual, group health education and family counseling, VHS community health program creates a platform such as camps, campaigns, health melas, master health check-up to spread awareness about healthy lifestyle practices for prevention of common NCDs. In some places, patient education leaflets, banners, posters, nutrition demonstrations, etc are also used as a medium to spread awareness on healthy lifestyles at the screening sites. Appropriate referrals to PHC / CHC / VHS for confirmatory diagnosis by the Medical Officer are made. Follow-up through existing Government public health systems, plays a vital role in ensuring compliance on treatment, checking on diet and lifestyle modification, patient’s response to treatment, etc.

Current model: VHS community health program is currently adopting the following community-based model:


VHS aims to focus on the following broad areas – Home-based screening, health promotion including the use of IEC for behaviour change communication, prevention, screening through camps (screening for Diabetes Mellitus (DM) & Hypertension (HT) using DM, BMI assessment, etc), Master Health Check-up, early detection, treatment, motivational counselling, care & support to families, referral, linkage and follow-up services, etc. VHS community health team undertake strategic community friendly comprehensive approaches for prevention and control of common NCDs to adhere to the treatment and to make changes in their lifestyles. Also refer and coordinate with primary health centers, urban health centers, VHS and other hospitals for follow-up and treatment.

Mental Health Interventions

Various tiers on mental health pathway at VHS community health program being followed are:


The mental health intervention pathway that is being implemented is given below:


Estimates suggest that nearly 15% of the Indian population are suffering from some form of mental health issues. India is grappling with a high prevalence of mental health disorders including depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and substance use disorders.

These Mini-Health Centers are offering a package of comprehensive health services including mental health screening to around one lakh rural slum population who are in the outskirts of Chennai. NCD and mental health issues at the grass root level are identified by outreach workers who are trained by VHS. They work in close coordination with primary health centre (PHC) and government facilities for referral and linkages related to mental health.


Training is undertaken at the Institute of Community Health at Thuraipakkam and practical postings at various mini health Centres. Trainees include CRRI posting, MD Community Medicine, M.Sc., Nursing, B.Sc., Nursing, Diploma in Nursing, Post Basic B.Sc., Nursing and other streams such as nutrition, pharmacy etc. Non-formal training is based on requests from various organisations such as Rotary Clubs, NGOs etc and is tailor-made to requirements. For the reporting period a total of 527 students were trained in 98 batches.

MPHWs, Medical Officers and community volunteers are capacitated on prevention, diagnosis and treatment of common NCDs among the communities and undertaking mental health interventions in the intervention level as a part of integrated approach.

Medical Camps

Free medical camps are periodically conducted by VHS Mini Health Centres so that health care services reach the poor and underprivileged communities living in slums, resettlement tenements and along canal banks. Medical camps fulfil unmet health care needs of people having poor health seeking behaviours. Free medical camps organized by VHS extend quality medical care services, free medicines and health education to the needy and underserved populations living in peripheral areas surrounding Chennai. In addition, VHS-MHCs are also extending support in organizing health camps and awareness camps in close coordination with corporations and primary health centers to reach the unreached and render health services.

Overall, VHS has conducted more than 300 major Free Medical Camps over a period in the community health intervention areas. During this period, VHS has conducted 10 free medical camps for the benefit of communities living in and around Neelangarai, Thuraipakkam, Sithalapakkam, Pallikkaranai and Kottivakkam. Out of which, six (06) medical camps were sponsored by IM Gears Private Limited under its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives. Through these camps, around 4,000 community members were screened and provided with health education, polios, vaccination, and treatment for other ailments. In addition, the Mini Health Centers partnered with the Urban Health Centers and Primary Health Centers in organizing ongoing health camps to provide services to the community members. During this year, 26 such camps were organized in the intervention area with the support and initiatives of MHC team in partnership with government.

Community Participation

Braving the searing heat from the sun, leaving behind household chores and giving up family commitments, a large number of people participated in the 10 free medical camps organized by MHCs. The community response was overwhelming with a continuous stream of people gathering throughout the day, including women, men, infants, children, adolescents, elderly, differently abled, infirm residents and people who are unable to afford quality medical care.

These camps were organized with the community engagement and with the involvement and support from elected body representatives, opinion/faith leaders, SHG members, resident associations, NYK clubs, cine fan associations, and community members. This has helped in ensuring the participation of more community members in the camps.

A total of 3,938 people (Neelangarai-678, Thuraipakkam-745, Sithalapakkam-892, Pallikkaranai-934 and Kottivakkam-689) in need of medical care benefitted from the camp.

Beneficiaries included working women and men, daily wage earners, domestic workers, casual labourers, construction workers, fisher folk, factory workers, security men, auto rickshaw drivers, loadmen, shop assistants, staff involved in housekeeping services, adolescents / youth and general community members. Residents of resettlement colonies, people living along the canal banks and workers from the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) for poor households also availed the free medical services.

Health Care Providers

Free medical care, services, and health education were offered by a panel comprising VHS Medical Officer, Attending Doctors, Public Health Nurse, Optometrist, Staff Nurses (Ophthalmology) and Multi-Purpose Health Workers. Urban Health Nurses from the Corporation of Chennai also provided assistance during the medical camp.

Doctors attending beneficiaries listened to the complaints and symptoms, undertook clinical examination, diagnosed the cause, gave advice and prescribed medicines to treat the illnesses. Beneficiaries with risk factors for developing diabetes, such as age (over 40 years), family history, overweight, obesity, lack of physical activity and high blood pressure, were screened. Upon recommendation by the Medical Officer and attending Doctors, a total of 102 beneficiaries were screened for diabetes. Eye examinations were conducted, and cases were referred to VHS hospital for follow-up care. Refractive errors, cataract, retinal problem, itching, eye pain and headache were some of the eye related conditions reported during the camp.

Free medicines were dispensed to beneficiaries in branded medicine covers. The most commonly prescribed medicines during the camp included antibiotic, analgesic, broncho dilator/asthmatic, gastric, anti-emetic, anti-allergic, anti-spasmodic, anti-diarrheal, anti-helminthic, anti-amoebic, ointment and vitamin supplement. During the medical camps, conducted exhibitions, demonstrations, and provided awareness / counselling sessions, etc.


Beneficiaries requiring specialized medical care were referred to VHS Hospital for further investigation and treatment. Beneficiaries were also advised to visit the Mini Health Centre for follow-up consultations and medicines. During scheduled house visits, Health Workers will meet beneficiaries to monitor their health condition and provide follow-up care. Also encouraged to avail services from the Out-Patient Clinic being managed by VHS.

Voices of Beneficiaries

Neelangarai - MHC

“My neighbour informed me about the camp. Also, the Multi-Purpose Health Worker visited my house and informed me about the camp and provided the referral slip. I participated in the camp. During the camp, the health worker facilitated the registration, counselling, basic health check-up, consultation with doctor, prescription, medicines along with follow-up guidance. Really overwhelmed with the services rendered through this camp by ensuring the participation of different doctors and nurses in providing quality and comprehensive medical services in my own area at free of cost. The services rendered by VHS is of good quality with much focus on the patient care”. – Female, 40 years.

“I am from Kerala and was passing by when I noticed the banner outside the Mini Health Centre. Normally I have doubts about free medical camps and hesitate to go to such camps. However, after attending this free camp and consulting doctors and Health Workers from VHS, my opinion has changed. I am impressed to see and experience the quality health care you are giving. Your service is excellent. VHS is helping the poor people living in this community.” – Male, 60 years.

“Neelangarai Mini Health Centre has been my savior. Without services of this center and Health Workers, I will not be alive today. Thank you for the camp and free medicines.” – Male, 65 years.

Thuraipakkam - MHC

“Highly appreciate and acknowledge the services rendered by the doctors, nurses and health workers in a coordinated manner during the medical camps and provided quality services including awareness education, health check-up, treatment, follow-up counselling, etc. In a single day, in the same place, availed all required health care services in my own area at free of cost. Appreciate the initiatives of VHS and community health team in caring for me and my community members”. – Male, 47 years.

“Doctors and Health Workers were helpful, listened to our complaints, understood our health condition and gave us free medicines, thank you” expressed by another beneficiary.

“It feels like you did this camp just for poor people like us, thank you” stated a family of husband, wife and two children. They also expressed satisfaction with the arrangements and thanked VHS and the sponsor. - Family

Sithalapakkam - MHC

“These free medical camps offered comprehensive health education and treatment. Also helped in testing me for Diabetic. This has helped me to understand the Diabetic at the initial stage and undertake needful lifestyle modifications including initiation of the treatment. Thankful for rendering such services and helped extended in timely identification and treatment”. – Male, 52 years.

“We came as a family to undergo check-ups and to see a doctor. My daughter is having cold, chest congestion, fever and breathing problem and we needed medicines. We are satisfied with the services and medicines received at the camp. Thank you for organizing this camp for us.” A 55-year-old woman engaged in household work.

“I am suffering from cold, cough and drowsiness. The doctor understood my condition, made me comfortable and took good care of me. Thank you for the free medicines.” A 75-year-old man who used to pull a rickshaw to earn a living.

Pallikkaranai - MHC

“Thankful to VHS for organizing medical camp in our area with the involvement of our community level organizations and members. Availed all required quality services from the team members of VHS. The team has offered the best services possible as a part of this free camp. I can very well say that such services cannot be obtained even if we pay for them. Always I trust VHS medical services”. – Female, 58 years.

Kottivakkam - MHC

“Thanks to VHS and team for conducting such a wonderful (Nalla Payanulla) free medical camp. I am happy that I have participated and availed the services through this camp. The health workers and organizers ensured systematic coordination and rendering services. Thank you for inviting, engaging, and conducting camps with experienced medical professionals in our area”. – Male, 61 years.

Key Achievements

Key Achievements during the year

Key Publications


Contact Us

Director - Projects
CHARTERED - Projects Division
Department of Community Health
The Voluntary Health Services (VHS)
Rajiv Gandhi Salai, TTTI Post,
Taramani, Chennai – 600 113.
Email ID:

For additional information on VHS Projects Division - CHARTERED, its objectives, partnerships, key activities, projects managed, overall achievements, key publications, and publications for downloading, please visit or click Here