The department has its own operation theatre with an operating microscope, state of art laureate phaco emulsification machine , alcon constellation vitrectomy machine. Apart from its work at the main VHS Medical Centre, the department is very active in the field of community ophthalmology, particularly cataract, diabetic Retinopathy & Glaucoma screening, at the Mini Health Centres and out-reach camps in schools, orphanages, old age homes, rural villages and urban slums
The department is supported by various philanthropists. Sathya Sai Seva Organisation has been a constant and continuous support to all our activities till date. Rotary club of Madras South -Trust had funded 10 retinal surgeries.67 patients were benefitted through OCT investigations using the endowment funds of The Hindu Group and 6 patients were benefitted through B scan using the endowment funds of Pavithra Kotha Vijayakumar Memorial fund.
Headed by Dr. Supriya Dabir-Gautam, MS, DNB, FVRS
Serves as tertiary centre, manages complex retinal disorders medically and surgically
Referral centre for general ophthalmologists
Conducts ROP-Retinopathy of prematurity screening for premature and low birth weight infants