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“Breathe Safe” Mask Distribution Initiative During COVID-19
Supported by ACT Grants (Action Covid-19 Team), SATTVA & United Way


The first case of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu was reported on 7th March 2020. All 38 districts of the state are affected by the pandemic, with capital district Chennai being the worst affected. The state government has responded to the outbreak by following a contact-tracing, testing and surveillance model. Covid-19 prevention methods includes: use of mask, handwashing, social distancing and vaccination. Implemented this project in collaboration and partnership with the Corporation, Private Hospitals, Police officials, Academic Institutions, APSACS, NGOs, CBOs, community level workers and community members.

Considering the Covid-19, The Voluntary Health Services (VHS), Chennai partnered with ACT Grants (Action Covid-19 Team), SATTVA and United Way – Bangaluru and mobilized 2,40,000 N95 masks and undertaken strategic efforts for promoting prevention of Covid-19 and distribution of masks to the frontline workers working in Chennai Corporation, Government Hospitals, Private Hospitals, NGOs, Community Based Organizations (CBOs), community volunteers, uniformed personnel, and others by ensuring coordinated comprehensive efforts in the needed areas during 2021 and contributed for prevention of Covid-19.


  • Undertaken need assessment and specific areas of intervention for distribution of masks based on the Covid-19 situation.
  • Identified the target groups, key stakeholders, partnering organizations for undertaking Covid-19 initiatives and integration of distribution of masks.
  • Established partnerships with common guiding principles and provided masks to the partnering organizations.
  • Undertaken 5 approaches such as: Awareness, Education, Demonstration, Provide & Use of Mask and Follow-up for Covid Free Life among the target audience.
  • Inculcated the habit of wearing mask and regular use of mask among the audience reached through this project.
  • Strategic approaches through social media, demonstration (on use of mask & handwash), distribution of masks, conducting awareness camps, facilitating vaccination camps, etc.
  • VHS efforts on use of video on how to use mask and Gaana song on use of mask (produced by the project of VHS) has been shared through WhatsApp and used by the partners for educating the audience. This integrated communication approach was very useful in educating the frontline workers / community members on correct use of mask and handwashing.
  • Encouraged the individuals to use masks and in turn they educated and empowered their family members, co-workers, and neighbours also to use mask. This approach has helped in reaching the unreached and contributed for ripple effect in reaching larger group in using the mask and adhering Covid-19 prevention practices.
  • The project has been implemented in selected districts in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh through partnership with 16 organizations.

Key Achievements

  • Capacitated 16 partnering organizations on Covid-19 prevention methods and promoted Covid-19 prevention methods.
  • The target groups benefited through this project will include, but not limited to: Frontline workers: Doctors, Surgeons, Nurses, Ward Boys, Pharmacists, Community Health Workers, Outreach team, Anganwadi workers, NGO staff, etc.
  • Masks were distributed: 60% to HCPs/HCWs, 14% to NGO/COB functionaries, community social workers, outreach team, 15% to Covid infected and affected families / care givers and remaining 11% to others.
  • A study conducted on opinion on the mask through random sampling. In this study, amongst 600 respondents, 90% of them opined as very good and 99% of them opined as masks are durable.
  • Overall, these masks have been provided to the right audience including frontline workers in a meaningful manner and contributed for prevention of Covid-19 both during Wave I & Wave II.

Key Publications



Contact Us

Director - Projects
CHARTERED - Projects Division
The Voluntary Health Services (VHS)
Rajiv Gandhi Salai, TTTI Post,
Taramani, Chennai – 600 113.
Email ID:

For additional information on VHS Projects Division - CHARTERED, its objectives, partnerships, key activities, projects managed, overall achievements, key publications, and publications for downloading, please visit or click Here