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Development of fact sheets for tools under Science of Delivery (SOD): Adaptability for implementation in local context
Supported by The World Bank (WB)
(2015 - 2016)


  • Under the Science of Delivery initiative, The World Bank engaged VHS to document a set of 13 proven tools widely applied by the HIV/AIDS program in India for overcoming service delivery bottlenecks.
  • Science of Delivery is an evidence driven rigorous process that seeks to understand what works, under what conditions, why and how.
  • Moves beyond understanding what projects deliver to demonstrating how projects are delivered.
  • Provides access to an evidence based set of approaches, tools, methodologies and operational knowledge evolved during project implementation.
  • Aims to strengthen the global response to HIV through knowledge transfer and adaptation of tools in local context.


  • Document one page fact sheets for 13 tools used by the national HIV program in India supported with embedded links to reference materials, using a prescribed template.
  • Develop an institutional repository of fact sheets and reference materials for tools widely used in the HIV program.
  • Demonstrate a prototype for global replication.
  • Encourage local adaptation of proven tools to overcome delivery bottlenecks.


Selection of tools
  • Reviewed set of tools successfully and widely applied by the HIV program in India.
  • Short-listed 13 tools with a proven record of application under varying conditions.

Key Achievements

  • Reviewed and short-listed 13 proven tools applied by the HIV/AIDS program in India.
  • Developed fact sheets for 13 tools with embedded links to reference materials, using a template.
  • Documented lessons learned during the development of fact sheets and field application of tools.
  • Disseminated with other countries through repositories.

Key Publication


Contact Us

Director - Projects
CHARTERED - Projects Division
The Voluntary Health Services (VHS)
Rajiv Gandhi Salai, TTTI Post,
Taramani, Chennai – 600 113.
Email ID:

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